Coordination Records Pending Decoordination

The ORRC may de-coordinate a system only for the following:

  1. An unwillingness to make a good faith effort to control or reduce an interference problem
  2. Failure to correct interference caused by operation outside of the systems coordination parameters or recognized band plans
  3. Operation of a system in violation of FCC rules and regulations
  4. Failure, in the absence of an extension, to commence or continue operation for a 6 month period
  5. Failure to file yearly update forms for three (3) consecutive years
  6. Failure to reply to official ORRC communications
  7. Substantial deviation from the coordinated parameters of the system or good Amateur practices, provided:
    1. The ORRC has on file an application for new or modified coordination which can be satisfied if the existing system were operating within coordinated parameters and good Amateur practices, and
    2. No other frequencies are available in that band which will meet the needs of the application for new or modified coordination, and
    3. The coordinated operator has not corrected the problem within 120 days after notification by the ORRC Board.
  8. Knowingly providing inaccurate or misleading information to the ORRC

De-coordination proceedings will be handled by the Board of Directors in the following manner.

When a complaint is brought before the Board, the Board shall cause to be created a record of all actions, findings and deliberations relevant to the case. Further, the Board shall communicate in writing with the owner in question and provide a two week period for reply. Said communication shall state the reasons for the complaint and proposed actions if any.

If in response to the communications, the Board finds that (1) the conditions and cause of the complaint will or have been corrected, or (2) the facts of the case do not warrant further action, then the Board may dismiss the action. Otherwise, the Board shall set a hearing date, providing not less than 30 days’ notice. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be sent by certified mail.

147.3600AlohaCooper Mtn.N7QQUK2ASPN7QQU04-04-2021
144.9200Battle GroundBattle Ground WL2K RMSK7GJTK7GJTK7CLL09-03-2020
223.7000Battle GroundBattle Ground WL2K RMSK7CLLK7CLL09-03-2020
444.6500Battle GroundResidenceN7QXON7QXON7QXO04-25-2021
147.3600BendJackpine RidgeKB7LNRKB7LNRKB7LNR12-04-2020
443.0500BendJack Pine RidgeKB7LNRKB7LNRKB7LNR12-04-2020
443.6500BendJack Pine RidgeKB7LNRKB7LNRKB7LNR12-04-2020
434.9100CorvallisKattare Internet DatacenterNH6ZNH6ZNH6Z11-01-2020
438.5500FlorenceHerman PeakN7HQRN7HQRN7HQR01-03-2021
147.2200Grants PassShan CreekWA6OTPWA6OTPWA6OTP12-11-2020
440.5500HillsboroSynopsys HillsboroN7QQUK2ASPN7QQU04-04-2021
434.8750PortlandPersonal ResidenceW7RATW7RATW7RAT10-01-2020
439.8750PortlandKOIN LinkW7RATW7RATW7RAT10-01-2020
440.4000PortlandKOIN towerW7RATW7RAT10-01-2020
145.2700Rogue RiverElk MountainWA6HWWWA6HWWWA6HWW10-09-2020
441.7000SalemPopcorn HillK7UN04-07-2021
443.4500SalemRees HillKC7CFSKC7CFSKC7CFS01-17-2021
145.1100SchollsChehalem Mt.KB7PSMKB7PSM09-11-2020
441.1500SchollsBald PeakKB7PSMKB7PSMKB7PSM09-11-2020
442.1500SchollsChehalem MtKB7PSMKB7PSMIRRA09-11-2020
145.0300SistersHoodoo Ski BowlKB7LNRKB7LNRKB7LNR12-04-2020
440.1750TigardTigard CERT RepeaterKF7TTSKK7TJ04-09-2021
144.9400VancouverVancouver WL2K RMSK7GJTK7GJT09-03-2020
144.9900VancouverLivingston MountainK7CLLK7CLLCCARES09-03-2020
144.9900VancouverLivingston Mountain BBSK7CLLK7CLLK7CLL09-03-2020
440.0125VancouverLarch MountainK7CLLK7CLLCCARES09-03-2020
441.0620VancouverLivingston MountainAI9QK7GJTCCARES09-03-2020
441.5250VANCOUVERVancouver Winlink RMSK7GJTK7GJTK7GJT09-03-2020
224.4200YacoltYacolt MountainK7CLLK7CLLK7CLL09-03-2020
224.4200YacoltYacolt Mountain WAK7CLLK7CLLK7CLL09-03-2020
442.9625YacoltYacolt MtnK7GJTK7GJTK7GJT09-03-2020