STA / Construction Permits

The following is a list of the current STA (Special Testing Authorization) and Construction Permits issued by the ORRC   These are temporary permits and expire after 6 months from being granted .  It is up to the applicant to update an STA to a Construction Permit or a Construction Permit to a Coordination prior to the expiration of the permit or the STA/Construction Permit will become void and the frequency returned to the coordination committee for reallocation to other applicants.  Neither an STA or Construction Permit are published to the ARRL Repeater Guide or any other publisher of coordination data.   You may sort the records in the displayed table by clicking on any table column except the ARRL Code column .

440.1750445.1755AumsvilleK7GIBK7GIBK7GIBCentral ot(123)10-27-2023
442.8000447.8000MedfordKD7MPAKD7MPAKD7MPASouth Central Oregono07-17-2022
927.1875902.1875Sherwood KJ7IYKJ7IYKJ7IYWB7DZGNorth Wioet107.208-10-2024